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you are enough to be who you want to be,

Everything we want or do, we do because we think on some level it will make us feel a certain way. But it is up to us to look within and find the barriers that we have built between us and our highest desires. The journey is not about becoming anyone or anything, but it is about unbecoming all that we are not.


you are enough… to heal yourself

Hypno Therapy is a process of calming the nervous system.

In a relaxed state we can communicate with our subconscious mind which is at the root of all of our repetitive feelings, phobias, limiting beliefs and behaviours. As a clinical hypnotherapist, it is my passion to support others on their self-growth journey because I know that the the path to world peace is through inner peace…


you are enough to find your way back

Pathways to Self

Like so many I have felt lost many times in my life. I've had some big successes and even bigger failures. I’ve been in fear, self-doubt, self-loathing, and felt as if I was walking through a tunnel that had no doors. But on the other side of the pain and uncertainty always lies another version of me, somehow more (self) connected, more (self) determined, and grounded in self-love.

From self-doubt to self-growth, from self-ish-ness to self-fullness, and from self-judgment to self-belief... I am so grateful for every part of the journey as each time it seems as as if the path I am carving back to my truest SELF.