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there is nothing to prove, my love. you are loveable just as you are.

For years as an entrepreneur I was unbalanced, unhappy, and anxiety-ridden. As a self-proclaimed expert in ‘getting it done’, giving until I would collapse and working hard, I successfully climbed my way up that imaginary ladder… My worth was tied to my achievements, my looks and my ability to manifest my dreams. And that I did. Producing large scale events, travelling the world, fundraising millions for charities, and reaching the 1%.. And yet still… I was unhappy and knew there had to be more. ⁣

⁣ It has taken me this entire lifetime to find my way back to the real ME… Balanced in my doing and being, giving and receiving, and masculine and feminine energies… ⁣

⁣It has taken me years to learn my boundaries, let go of many of my outer attachments and find my inner peace… ⁣

It has taken me many cycles to learn to communicate from love, release judgement of self and others and see the interconnectedness of us all… ⁣

⁣This self-reclamation has been my biggest ‘achievement’ in life so far…

It is through this self-reclamation that I am now honoured and able to support others on their journeys.

 Trust the Journey

It has taken me a long time to find the balance between doing and being…To find the joy in the time between my desire and the outcome, the rebirth and the becoming… Between creating what I want and patiently awaiting its manifestation.

Sometimes life doesn’t go as we think it should, but it is always going as iit should. And the surest way to find peace in this present moment is to trust. To have faith. And to surrender in acceptance that it is all happening for our highest evolution.

This is why I created this “Trust the Journey Hypnotic Meditation. For you, and for me.


Read With Me

I am obsessed and feel so blessed for so many books that have influenced my life! Join me on Instagram for all the book inspo and in the meantime feel free to download the list of my top fave books!